Creative Recipes
Soy Tacos
Ingredients (for 4 people):
• 100 g soya nuggets
• 700 g tomato sauce
• 400 g beans (canned)
• 8 gluten-free tacos
• 1 red pepper
• 1 large red onion
• 1 red chilli pepper
• 3 bay leaves
• extra virgin olive oil
Place the bay leaves in a pot with cold water and a pinch of salt and bring to the boil. Turn off the heat and rehydrate the soy nuggets. Cut the pepper into cubes of about 1 cm and the onion into slices (not too thin). Fry the onion, pepper and chilli with 4 spoon of oil until soft, then add the beans. Finally, add the tomato sauce with a little water. Let the sauce reduce a little and season to taste, add a little oil in a separate frying pan and add the drained and squeezed soya chunks with the bay leaves used to flavour the water. Fry for a few minutes, season with salt and add to the previously prepared mixture. Heat the tacos, fill them with the cooked nuggets.
Caesar Salad
Ingredients (for 4 people):
• 150g Soy Nuggets
• 370 g romaine lettuce
• 100 g bread
• 100 g Grana Padano Dop
• 15 g mustard
• 15 g lemon juice
• 5 g Worcester sauce
• Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Salt
Rehydrate the soy nuggets, squeeze them out and cook in a frying pan with extra virgin olive oil to brown and make crispy. Cut the bread into cubes and toss them in a pan with a little oil. Mix the nuggets, bread, lettuce and top with Grana Padano cheese flakes. Emulsify the mustard with lemon, Worcester sauce, oil and a pinch of salt and dress the salad.